It is with great sorrow that we extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the three ships who lost their lives in the waters of the Migration Route.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The primary cause for the exodus of some of our citizens is the tyranny of this wicked and oppressive regime, which has driven some of our loved ones to the path of death and forced them to leave their homeland after 33 years of suffering. In such circumstances, the future remains uncertain for asylum seekers.
Beloved Citizens,
Our hearts are with you, and we feel your pain deeply. Our message to all is that light will prevail, and darkness will be dispelled. The darkness of this regime is pervasive, but the time has come for the light to shine through.
Dear Compatriots, you who remain in the country,
There are only a few months until the regional elections. Be patient and channel your anger and resentment towards Election Day. Seek justice against this tyrannical government for past 33 years of oppression. Let us all become part of the hope and change, so that this catastrophic tragedy never repeats and the hearts of our loved ones are no longer burdened. Together, we can overthrow this malevolent regime and end all injustice and oppression.
The New Generation Movement